Saturday, November 17, 2007

Top 10 albums on vinyl of 2007

2007 is quickly coming to an end. That means it is time to recap all the best of this year's music and there has been a lot. It was tough for us to do, but we created a list of what we think are the top 10 albums of 2007 that were released on vinyl. Sorry to some bands that just missed the cut like Yellowcard, Modest Mouse and Jimmy Eat World. 2007 has been a great year for music. So without further ado, here is Vinyl Revival's Top 10 albums on vinyl of 2007:

10. The White Stripes- Icky Thump ( Jack and Meg do a good job at getting back to the rock n' roll that was missing from their last album Get Behind Me Satan.)
9. Kanye West- Graduation (Kanye may be the best rapper around besides his "Big Brother," Jay-Z)
8. Arcade Fire- Neon Bible (People say this album is a sophomore slump, but we strongly disagree)
7. Bright Eyes- Cassadaga (Conor Oberst can do no wrong)
6. Against Me- New Wave (Surprise album of the year. It's both catchy and meaningful)
5. Every Time I Die- The Big Dirty (I think our previous post on ETID summed up our love for them)
4. Enter Shikari- Take to the Skies (British technocore, if that's a real genre, at it's finest)
3. Radiohead- In Rainbows (Thom Yorke and company did it again with their most personal album to date)
2. LCD Soundsystem- Sound of Silver (New York, I Love You might be our favorite song of the year)
1. Straylight Run- The Needles, The Space (This is what I knew John and Michelle Nolan were capable of)

So there's our list. What do ya'll think about it?

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