Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My other "used" vinyl

OK, so technically I have more used vinyl than I said before. But I don't consider it that because they were all my dad's. In this collection is every Beatles studio album, many solo albums by John, Paul, George and yes, even Ringo. There's The Jimi Hendrix Experience, The Who, lots of Billy Joel, Chicago and more.

These all hold a special place to me, because my dad's love for music is what really made me into this music obsessed nerd that I am today. By the time I could read and write, I also knew most songs from the bands previously mentioned to bands like Led Zeppelin and The Police.

In fact, one of my favorite music moments ever happened regarding Led Zeppelin when I was probably about 6 or 7 years old. My dad and I were coming home from somewhere, where who knows. We were about a block away from our house when "Stairway to Heaven" came on. For the next 8 minutes or so we drove around and around so we could listen to the whole thing together, my dad letting me know exactly what instruments were coming in as the song builds from a whisper to the exploding Jimmy Page guitar solo to a whisper again from Robert Plant at the end.

While I still love classic rock, I eventually grew out into more modern things, and my dad was there to listen to it, even if he did call Green Day "morons," and was never too keen when I went through that dreaded nu-metal phase of my life. But if it was not for my dad, I may never have become so obsessed with music and then this blog would never have existed. And that would be no fun, would it?

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