Thursday, November 15, 2007

Japanese people are crazy, yo

I love Japanese people. They never let me down. Without a doubt, they are always there, coming up with some absolutely bizarre but incredibly creative, funny and interesting way to do things. Take Japanese television for example:

If you can tell me what in the world is going on deserve a gold star. But try to tell me its not amusing and you'd only be lying to yourself.

Or take the way Japanese people help teach their kids go to the bathroom:

Why was I never able to become a Pants Man as a little kid or learn to go to the bathroom from a talking toilet?

So, now you are probably asking yourself two questions: 1. John, why are you crazy? and 2. What does any of this have to do with records?

Well, while I can't answer exactly why I am weirdly obsessed with absurd Japanese pop culture, I can tell you that a Japanese company called Hokkaido Industrial Research has created melody roads. In other words, this company has essentially made certain roads in Japan like big records by carving grooves into the road and having the cars driving over the grooves act like a needle causing the people in the car to hear a certain tune. I can't make this shit up. Even like a record player, where you can change the speed from 33 to 45 or 78, the speed you drive over these grooves effects how the song the car creates sounds.

So, once again the Japanese win the award for craziest idea ever and also get props for turning the earth into a giant record player. Hopefully videos will pop up of these magical melody roads soon...and if they do you know you'll find them right here.

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