Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mixing the Old (and Better School) With the New School

If you remember in our very first post we linked you readers to a NPR segment that discussed the rise in sales of vinyl records. The segment mentioned that one reason for the rise in sales was because of a new USB turntable that can convert your vinyl records into MP3s.

Normally Vinyl Revival would tell you to stay away from MP3s, especially ones that you can buy on sites like iTunes that have poor sound quality. However, this idea is actually pretty cool. Plug your turntable into the computer and you can have vinyl quality sound to put on your iPod when you leave the house and must part with your record player. It's reasonably priced, and it sure looks a lot better than the old record player we currently use. In fact, this and a quality pair of speakers just topped our Christmas wish list.

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