Sunday, November 18, 2007

Overheard in Syracuse University

Something has been on my mind for a few days that I need to get off my chest. I was leaving my radio show (listen to WERW right here), when I overheard a few people talking music in the Schine Underground. Here's how the conversation went:
Girl #1: Yeah, I totally know. I used to be a huge fan of Against Me!, but then they went to a major label and with their new album they sold out and totally sound like Fall Out Boy shit.

Girl #2: I know what you mean. I'm from Scranton and I was a huge fan of Breaking Benjamin forever before they got famous and now everyone loves them even though their new music sucks.

Me: Walking away shaking my head in disgust.

As you saw in our Top 10 albums of 2007, we put Against Me!'s new album New Wave at #6 for the year. That is because it is a great record. Against Me! was able to keep their political punk roots and mix it in with some catchy, but credible music. Against Me!'s new album sounds nothing like Fall Out Boy, and if it did there would still be nothing wrong with that. People need to learn to grow up and realize that their favorite bands are not going to make the same album every time around. And as for Girl #2, well Breaking Benjamin always sucked.

End rant.

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