Monday, November 19, 2007 knows what's up

On October 17th launched a section of their online store dedicated solely to vinyl records, further proving the comeback of Vinyl. You can check it out right here. I really enjoy the fact that has added a vinyl section for a number of reasons.

First off, it will hopefully lead to more casual music listeners coming over to the side of vinyl records. Sure, there are ton of underground sites and stores to go to, but you need to know where to look to find them.'s site has sections filled with new and used vinyl for alternative rock, classic rock, dance, punk, jazz and more. They also have cool sections for people who like to know what others are buying, listening Top record sales on an hourly basis.

The #1 Album on right now? One of my personal favorites- The Beatles- Abbey Road, which I own two copies of, one to listen to and one that is framed in my room at home. I'll even go on record and say that it is the best Beatles album, but that is an argument for another day.

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