Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Mommy, where do records come from?

Vinyl Revival is proud to announce our first class on vinyl: LP 101- The Origin of Vinyl Records. We all love going out to our favorite record store, purchasing some new albums, coming home and putting those big circles of vinyl down on Side A, dropping the needle and enjoying the music. But have we ever thought about how the music gets from the master recordings onto the typical 12-inch LP or 7-inch 45?

Well thanks to none other than YouTube, (I know it shocks me just as much as anyone else to actually find something educational on it), we can learn just how vinyl records are made. So sit back, get your notebook out and get ready for these videos, which are both highly informative and amusing because they will undoubtedly remind you of every cheesy science video you were ever forced to watch in high school (especially the unbelievable awesome music and that one woman who must seriously do the voice-overs for every educational video ever made).

Part One
Part Two

And here's a bonus video for extra credit of some guy explaining how a vinyl record works. While he does know what he is talking about, it is great to here him say how the groove goes around and around the record "like a bazillion times" and making sure to tell people not to touch the record with their screwdriver.

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