Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Home Sweet Home part 3: Babylon, New York- Looney Tunes

Wow, what a semester away from school can make you miss. As I am going to find Looney Tune's site to link for you all, I find out that at the end of August it was destroyed in a fire.

Luckily, no one was injured, and they are rebuilding, aiming for a December 1st grand re-opening. Just this past summer I had my best moment at Looney Tune's when Straylight Run (remember they are Vinyl Revival's #1 album for 2007) was playing an acoustic show there. The deal was that you had to buy their new CD The Needles, The Space to get in.

So my friends and I went, bought the CD (even though I already bought it at Best Buy the day before for the bonus tracks they were offering exclusively) and saw the show. The experience was surreal. We were literally standing in CD aisles, browsing records with the rest of the band while lead singers John and Michelle Nolan put on a great half hour of acoustic tunes.

Then they filed us out to line up to get our CD's autographed. When we came back in, we were greeted with the biggest surprise of the day: Looney Tune's was giving away a free copy of The Needles, The Space on double vinyl to every person. If I wasn't stuck in the Stone Ages and actually had a digital camera I'd put a picture of my signed copy up, but I'm lame.

Anyway, If you are on Long Island this winter break, go check out the new store. I'm sure it will be bigger and better than ever. And for you Straylight Run fans here is a video from that acoustic show:

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