Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Home Sweet Home part 2: Williamsburg Brooklyn, New York- Academy Records

While last summer was technically the first time I lived in Brooklyn for any extended period of time (say for more than 2 weeks), I've always considered Brooklyn as one of my favorite places to be. Both sides of my family come from Brooklyn, my favorite pizza place (Frank's Pizza on Flatbush Avenue) is in Brooklyn.

I think the thing I enjoy the most about Brooklyn though is all the interesting people that live there. That is why I make the journey into Williamsburg (aka Hipsterville) to check out Academy Records. The place itself is nothing spectacular. Yeah, they have a decent record collection, but their two sister stores in Manhattan are bigger and better. It's just that in Williamsburg you get the delight of seeing middle to even upper class, mainly white folk, make themselves look like bohemian white trash.

Their styles make no senses. Their superiority complexes when it comes to the newest indie music is infuriating. Yet, there is a part of me that is dying to be a hipster too. Anyway, the last time I was at Academy Records I had a nice find. It was Lifetime's Hello Bastards, one of the pinnacle punk albums of the 1990's. The hipster behind the counter of course had to mention to me that he used to hang out with them in New Brunswick back in the day. I was both slightly annoyed and very jealous.

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