Thursday, November 15, 2007

Jack and Meg and...Beck? Oh My.

Waking up to the news of The White Stripes collaborating with Beck on a new 7-inch single package is like Christmas come early. After The White Stripes canceled their world tour earlier this fall, I expected little from them for the rest of the year, but I'm glad I was wrong. This concept of 3 vinyl singles, one on black, one on white and one on red vinyl, for the song "Conquest", with brand new b-sides co-produced by Beck makes a vinyl lover like myself giddy. And that's not all! Possibly the best part of the whole package is the fact that there will be trading cards of "legendary, near-mythical matadors"-El Sloth, El Blanca Rosa (shouldn't it be La?) and El Perdedor (I wonder who that could be?).

In an unrelated to vinyl, but still equally excellent White Stripes bit of news, has anyone seen the trailer for the new movie Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story? Well take a look below because Jack White is playing none other than The King himself, Elvis Presley, karate-chopping and all, in this Judd Apatow satire.

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