Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Clash: The Only Band That Matters (...is also the only band I've bought used vinyl of)

Alright, so I have a confession. This past August while I was driving up to school, I stopped in Scranton, PA to visit one of my best friends who goes to school there. Since The Office is unfortunately only a TV show, Scranton is not a very exciting place. My friend did happen to live in an apartment above a record store, which name I am drawing a blank on at this current moment.

It was here that I gave into snobby ways and bought a used copy of The Clash's self-titled 1977 album. I did this because a) The Clash are in the top 5 greatest bands ever category, b) It was the UK version of the album, c) It came with a 7-inch single and d) I've wanted to say that I own this album for the longest time.

Now I know I typically have made fun of used vinyl, but I must admit this was one of my better purchases. I guess what I'm trying to say is that used vinyl CAN be alright, if you make sure it is in great condition. If the vinyl costs $1, you probably know what you are getting yourself into and deserve the skipping record from hell you bought. So choose wisely.

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